Avery St. Onge

Avery St. Onge is the Content Specialist of Integrative Practitioner and Natural Medicine Journal. In addition to producing written content, Avery hosts the Integrative Practitioner Podcast and organizes Integrative Practitioner's webinars and digital summits. She graduated from George Washington University in 2021, where she studied journalism and mass communications. As a person with type 1 diabetes, Avery is hyperaware of the benefits of a holistic, mind/body approach to healthcare and is committed to sharing the latest news in integrative medicine.

February 25, 2023

A simple way to start with environmental medicine is to test patients for blood lead levels, test for arsenic in urine, and finally, test for A

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February 24, 2023

Studies showing the benefits of integrative therapies for COVID-19 provide an opportunity for integrative medicine to emerge as something that

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February 24, 2023

Mark Hyman, MD, hosted Jeffrey Bland, PhD, at the 2023 Integrative Healthcare Symposium in New York City, for a special live edition of his podcast

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February 23, 2023

The Integrative Healthcare Symposium awarded Peter D’Adamo, ND, as the recipient of its 2023 Leadership Award, which was presented to him today

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