Practice Management feature content on business, finance, and managing a successful integrative healthcare practice.

November 29, 2022
Mobile health technologies can help treat and manage an array of chronic conditions. While all healthcare providers can leverage mobile health… Read More
November 2, 2022
Many integrative healthcare practices are relying on strategic planning to reach their organizational goals. With a strategic plan in place,… Read More
October 19, 2022
Marc Grossman, OD, LAc, practices integrative eye care. But he is just one of a small group of providers who do so. In fact, he said that he can… Read More
October 10, 2022
To get a full picture of a patient’s or client’s healthcare, providers should – but sometimes still fail to – consider social determinants of… Read More

To get a full picture of a patient’s or client’s healthcare, providers should – but sometimes still fail to – consider social

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September 15, 2022

A recent study found that doctors experiencing burnout were four times more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs and twice as likely to be

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September 7, 2022
“Just Google It.” It’s a common strategy for consumers, whether choosing a place to eat, searching for someone to repair a leaking roof, or… Read More
August 31, 2022
The cost of integrative medical treatment is beyond many people’s reach, according to a 2016 study in Global Advances in Health and Medicine but… Read More
August 15, 2022

If practitioners aren’t using gender inclusive language in their practice, it may be preventing some patients from feeling comfortable enough

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If practitioners aren’t using gender inclusive language in their practice, it may be preventing some patients from feeling comfortable enough

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