Whole Systems Medicine

IntegrativePractitioner.com feature content on Whole Systems Medicine.

September 18, 2020
In my clinic, I often see complex patients with multiple underlying conditions and symptom clusters. These patients are often presenting with… Read More
September 15, 2020

The absence of quality connections may predict the onset of type 2 diabetes, according to a new study by King’s College London published in the

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September 7, 2020

In a new study published in the journal Physiological Genomics, researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago found associations among

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September 1, 2020

Patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) who had a combination of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes were over three times

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August 25, 2020
There has been a recurrent pattern in my practice among new patients who have recently switched to a plant-based diet. They come in and complain of… Read More
August 18, 2020
Prevention is always the highest goal when it comes to stroke recovery and rehabilitation. With about 15 percent of diagnosed strokes being preceded… Read More
August 12, 2020

After preliminary observations of 200 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) patients with severe hyperglycemia, researchers from Michigan Medicine found high

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August 5, 2020

Healthcare workers in the United States are struggling with a suite of mental-health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new

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