Brain Health featured content on the latest in brain health.

July 29, 2020

Adolescents who live in areas that have high levels of artificial light at night tend to get less sleep and are more likely to have a mood disorder

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July 17, 2020

A study of 153 patients treated in hospitals in the United Kingdom during the acute phase of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic describes a

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July 10, 2020
Patients want to live as long and as healthy a life as possible, and rightly so. To help meet that goal, practitioners should work with patients to… Read More
July 1, 2020

Combining more healthy lifestyle behaviors was associated with substantially lower risk for Alzheimer's disease, according to new research published

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June 23, 2020
As a naturopathic doctor and sleep specialist, I am asked about napping frequently. In the medical community, there is no clear discussion on whether… Read More
June 12, 2020

Healthcare workers have been on the front lines of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, providing care to the sick at great personal risk. Most

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June 2, 2020

Many patients experience trouble sleeping, whether due to stress, illness, or other disruptions to normal routine. However, ongoing sleep problems

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June 2, 2020
In today’s world, fears can become tangible, threatening, and are constantly evolving, and a person can exist predominantly in sympathetic… Read More