February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
This presentation will introduce evidence-based information connecting genomics with bone health and health outcomes. The session will demonstrate personalized nutrigenomic intervention for a variety of bone formation and degradation-related case histories. Each case history will include a detailed explanation of specific culinary considerations related to nutrigenomics, and include a roadmap, translating nutrient intervention into actionable recipes and meal concepts.
This edition of the Integrative Practitioner Digital Summit focuses on nutrition.
As the science of nutrition distances itself from commercial influence in favor of scientific validation, there remains a great deal of polarization amongst healthcare professionals with respect to the fundamentals of what constitutes a salubrious diet for humans.
Presented by: Adam Breiner, ND
In recent years, traumatic brain injuries, such as concussions, have become a topic of interest to both the public and healthcare industry. While most of the focus has been on prevention, the conventional approaches to treatment are inadequate and have not advanced much since the 20th century. Integrative medicine offers a variety of natural approaches to healing the injured brain.
Delivering High Quality Integrative Telehealth Services
The integrative healthcare community prides itself on being interdisciplinary. While this includes medical doctors and osteopathic doctors, it also includes chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, registered nurses, acupuncturists, registered dieticians, and everything in between. Credentials overlap, compete, and sometimes contradict one another. Certifications often do the same. Figuring out what the scores of post-nominal letters mean, what they certify, and how they affect patient care can seem an overwhelming if not impossible feat.
Our society is in the midst of an emerging epidemic of chronic Inflammatory Disease affecting nearly 50% of our population. Most of these conditions were virtually nonexistent a little more than a century ago, but have grown exponentially with the rise of modern medial pharmacotherapeutics.
This talk will first examine what the impact of diet and lifestyle COULD BE on the human condition if knowledge were power. It will then consider the toll associated with our failure to use what we know. The talk will then look closely at the body of evidence relating dietary pattern to human health- and make the case that we are NOT clueless about the basic care and feeding of our species. Endless debate about the details of optimal diets.
The healthcare industry—and the laws and policies that regulate the system—has been changing rapidly over the past few years. At the demand of both consumers and practitioners who advocate for a preventative, whole-person approach to care, the industry has started to shift away from the traditional “sick care” model and bring integrative medicine to the general public eye.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has silently become a worldwide pandemic. It is typically asymptomatic at first, but can slowly progress into a much more serious condition called steatohepatitis (NASH) that leads to irreversible scarring, cirrhosis, and liver failure. NAFLD is strongly associated with a wide range of co-morbidities, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.