Carolina Brooks, BA, IFMCP

Carolina Brooks, BA, IFMCP, is a certified functional medicine practitioner who uses a systems biology and science-based approach to healthcare involving nutrition, genetics, herbal medicine, endobiogeny, and orthomolecular medicine. She is the only IFMCP with her unique combination of qualifications in the world. She is also trained in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, ear acupuncture, coaching, hyperbaric oxygen therapy frequency specific microcurrent, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, and has completed various fellowships in both the United States & France. She works to educate, support, and empower clients to take responsibility for optimizing their health. She has first-hand expertise in managing stress and improving energy levels in high-pressure working environments and specializes in a biohacking approach for prevention of chronic disease, optimizing performance, and works with patients with chronic and complex diseases issues. She consults wellness start-ups and clinics, formulates supplements, and has created herbal products for both the wellness and hospitality sectors, working both in the U.K. and internationally. 

May 1, 2020
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected many people differently. Most of my practitioner colleagues have transitioned their practices to… Read More
April 23, 2020
Most of the planet is currently on some form of lockdown to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and our global economy has come… Read More
March 10, 2020
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have consequences far beyond what many practitioners realize. The human sense of smell is reliant upon the proper… Read More
February 11, 2020
I recently received a call from a patient’s husband. He was apologetic that my emails attempting to check in hadn’t been answered. She had passed… Read More