Avery St. Onge

Avery St. Onge is the Content Specialist of Integrative Practitioner and Natural Medicine Journal. In addition to producing written content, Avery hosts the Integrative Practitioner Podcast and organizes Integrative Practitioner's webinars and digital summits. She graduated from George Washington University in 2021, where she studied journalism and mass communications. As a person with type 1 diabetes, Avery is hyperaware of the benefits of a holistic, mind/body approach to healthcare and is committed to sharing the latest news in integrative medicine.

November 10, 2022

A recent study showed that processed foods are a key contributor to the rising rates of obesity in the Western world.

The study, published in the

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November 9, 2022

A recent study linked exposure to fine particulate matter, tiny particles of air pollution, during pregnancy to delays in children’s gross

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November 8, 2022

A customized mindfulness program led to a significant decrease in lower systolic blood pressure after six months, according to a recent study.


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November 7, 2022

A recent study found an effective way to determine the intensity at which a patient should work out to achieve the best results, which could provide

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