Your 2018 Integrative Healthcare Holiday Gift Guide

23andMe Health + Ancestry DNA Kit

23andMe-640x375.jpgPersonalized, genetics-based medicine is becoming more and more mainstream, so why not stay ahead of the curve with a personal ancestry DNA test kit. Get a detailed breakdown of your ancestry from 150+ populations worldwide and connect with new DNA relatives from around the world. 23andMe also offers the option to upgrade and add health reports for an additional cost, which trained practitioners can use as a guideline in preventative care (note, genetic testing is not absolute but can show susceptibilities to some health conditions).

There are several companies that offer at-home DNA test kits. Though those like 23andMe are a more affordable option, the low-cost kits give just as detailed information as the higher price point programs. This may change as genetic testing and reading becomes more sophisticated, but for now you don’t need to break the bank.

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