Fortifying Immune Health with Setria Glutathione

Provided by Setria

Every human is exposed to free radicals, an unstable molecule linked to causing oxidative stress,” said Karen Todd, Registered Dietitian and Vice President of Global Brand Marketing at Kyowa Hakko. 

According to Todd, key to promoting the body’s defense system are antioxidants, which play a crucial role in fighting off oxidative stress. With this in mind, Kyowa Hakko, a leading international health ingredients manufacturer, introduced Setria® Glutathione, a versatile antioxidant that supports the body’s detoxification pathways, respiratory function, healthy aging, and overall health.

“The good news is that studies have shown that the body’s natural defenses against free radicals can be supported by increasing levels of glutathione in the body,” explained Todd. Glutathione, a tripeptide found in every cell of the body, is critical to preserving cellular integrity. Commonly referred to as the “master antioxidant," it can increase natural killer (NK) cell activity, which helps stave off free radicals from forming in cells and causing damage.

Clinical research, including a peer-reviewed study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, has shown that Setria’s glutathione is absorbed and can increase glutathione levels by 31 percent in whole blood, 35 percent in red blood cells, 250 percent in buccal cells and NK cell activity twofold, helping to fortify the immune system. By fighting off free radicals, Todd explained that Setria also supports the function of major detoxification pathways, including the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and intestines. “We know that glutathione has three routes for oral absorption and this study confirmed that Setria glutathione is absorbed and increases glutathione levels in the body,” said Todd.

Although glutathione levels fluctuate daily, a general decline starts around the age of 45. Various factors, such as environmental chemicals, diet, lifestyle, certain medications, and health conditions, can deplete glutathione levels. In turn, several different patient populations may benefit from glutathione supplementation, including those looking to promote healthy aging.

According to Todd, Setria stands out from generic glutathione options with its enduring reputation, high-quality manufacturing, clinical studies, and established safety record. It’s also vegetarian, allergen-free, and manufactured according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.

To learn more about Setria and find numerous formulations for patients, click here.

Editor's Note: This article is sponsored by Setria Glutathione.