
IntegrativePractitioner.com featured content on environmental exposures and human health and disease.

March 16, 2016
presented by Gerard Mullin, MD and Liz Lipski, PhD, CNS, CCN, BCHN, CFM, LDN There is an ongoing resurgence of interest in the role of gut microbiota… Read More
March 9, 2016
presented by Ashley Koff, RD and Robyn O'Brien The numbers of patients with diagnosed food allergies have increased exponentially in recent… Read More
February 29, 2016
presented by Devra Davis, PhD, MPH Evidence on the reproductive and neurotoxic impacts of microwave radiation (MR) on rapidly developing human and… Read More
February 19, 2016
presented by Michael Stone, MD, MS This recorded hands-on functional nutrition physical exam workshop was designed to assist practitioners in… Read More
February 16, 2016

reversing diabesity

by Mark Hyman, MD

Something changed in American culture over the past 50 years, and the lasting effect was a population that is overweight

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January 23, 2016
presented by James Gordon, MD The Center for Mind-Body Medicine has taught hundreds of thousands of children and adults its powerfully successful,… Read More
January 20, 2016

By: Susan Luck, RN, BS, MA, HNC, CCN, HWNC-BCNursing’s legacy, past and present, has always played a role in environmental health advocacy and in

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January 28, 2015

It is time we took a serious look at Lyme Disease.If not treated early and appropriately, infection with Lyme can produce chronic disease that can

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