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IFM Presents: Optimizing Cellular Energy Production: The Mito Food Plan

Presented by: Elizabeth Boham, MD, MS, RD

“Food first” is one of the key therapeutic approaches that functional medicine practitioners follow when supporting patients who have energy deficits. This session will review the Mito Food Plan and the importance of foods that contain key dietary oils, specific phytonutrients, and nutrients involved in mitochondrial function and cellular energy production. In addition, reduced caloric consumption has been found to enhance longevity and reduce the negative effects of advanced aging and will be discussed.

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Scientific Update on the Omnipresent Vitamin, K2-7

Scientific Update on the Omnipresent Vitamin, K2-7

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Ancient Wisdom, Nutrigenomics, and the Future of Healthcare

Presented by: Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, FACB, CNS

Sometimes we can learn about the future by studying the past. With nutrition we might ask why certain diets, foods and nutrients have been associated in traditional cultures with long life and the absence of chronic disease. Is this all related to the genes of certain groups, or is it related to what they are eating and the lifestyles they have, or some combination of each? In this presentation, an exploration of this question will take the discussion to what we can learn from the past that will guide the development of personalized lifestyle healthcare in the future. The discussion will dive deep into the emerging understanding of the etiology of age-related chronic diseases and the biology of senescence. A takeaway from this presentation will be how better to understand and clinically apply the principles of nutrigenomics and nutritional epigenetics.

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Nutrigenomics and Precision Lifestyle Medicine

Nutrigenomics and Precision Lifestyle Medicine

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Optimizing the Gut Microbiome for Viral Immune Health

Optimizing the Gut Microbiome for Viral Immune Health

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Dysbiosis - Beyond the GI Tract

Dysbiosis - Beyond the GI Tract

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The Complete IHSNY18 Conference Package is pleased to offer the Complete Conference Package, featuring all session recordings from the 2018 Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference in New York City.

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Aging Is Not a Disease: Promoting Optimal Function Throughout Life

It is well known that people are more likely to get sick as they age, and therefore there is an assumption that aging is a disease. There is no data that confirms this assumption. Rather it is now recognized that diseases of aging are more related to the connection between our genes and our lifestyle, diet and environment. Successful aging is therefore related to identifying the specific needs that an individual has within their genes to promote optimal function.

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Measuring Biology vs. Symptomatology: The Fully Integrated Functional Wellness Program

Presented by: Dane Donohue, DC

In this presentation, Dane Donohue, DC, will go through how he uses a wellness score including relevant biometric and laboratory data to asses a patient needs for an integrated wellness program. When it is appropriate for a referral to a life-style modification program. That program called 8 Weeks to Wellness has been run in Donohue’s practice for almost 15 years and is now being run in 80 facilities in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. Donohue will go over the main aspects and execution of the program including case studies.

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Integrative Practitioner Quarterly Journal: Volume 2, Issue 3

This issue highlights innovation in integrative medicine, and practitioners who push the envelope in their patient practices.

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