Wellness in Action: Integrative Medicine Meets Public Health

Presented by: Victoria Maizes, MD
Recorded: February 2017
As a society we are moving from conversations about disease prevention to actively promoting health. The University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine is an international leader in training health care professionals and supporting community members in the elements of wellness including optimal nutrition, refreshing sleep, increased physical activity, positive relationships, avoiding environmental chemicals, and nurturing spirituality. These behaviors lead to an enhanced sense of resiliency and vitality.
In Tucson as well as nationwide, a remarkable set of initiatives, ranging from school-based mindfulness programs to community gardens are being implemented and producing meaningful change. Dr. Maizes will describe these exciting developments, as well as the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine programs, that can enhance well-being and improve the health of our society.
This presentation was recorded at the Integrative Healthcare Symposium Annual Conference.