Heart Health Session and Workshops at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium
Dr. Houston is recognized nationally and internationally for his many published articles and scientific abstracts in peer reviewed medical journals. He has presented more than 10,000 lectures around the world, is on the consulting editorial board for many medical journals and is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA). The Consumer Research Council recognized Dr. Houston as one of the Top Physicians in Hypertension in the US in 2008-2011 and USA Today twice recognized him as one of the Most Influential Doctors in the US in both Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia in 2009. He is one of the most sought after lecturers in the US on the medical topics of hypertension, dyslipidemia, vascular aging, vascular biology, metabolic and functional medicine, and integrative and preventive cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Houston will be presenting at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium on the topic of hypertension and CVD followed by an interactive workshop on the advanced techniques to improve physical examinations. Learn More >>
Dr. Houston is recognized nationally and internationally for his many published articles and scientific abstracts in peer reviewed medical journals. He has presented more than 10,000 lectures around the world, is on the consulting editorial board for many medical journals and is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association (JANA). The Consumer Research Council recognized Dr. Houston as one of the Top Physicians in Hypertension in the US in 2008-2011 and USA Today twice recognized him as one of the Most Influential Doctors in the US in both Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia in 2009. He is one of the most sought after lecturers in the US on the medical topics of hypertension, dyslipidemia, vascular aging, vascular biology, metabolic and functional medicine, and integrative and preventive cardiovascular medicine. Dr. Houston will be presenting at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium on the topic of hypertension and CVD followed by an interactive workshop on the advanced techniques to improve physical examinations. Learn more about these sessions and how to register for the conference below:
Plenary Session
Thursday, Feb 20, 2014
New concepts and Revolutionary Approaches to Diagnose and Treat Hypertension and Related CVD
Vascular biology, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle and cardiac dysfunction play a primary role in the initiation and perpetuation of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and target organ damage. Proper diagnosis using 24 hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (BP surge, variability, circadian rhythm, nocturnal BP, dipping status, BP load), measurement of both brachial and central arterial pressure, endothelial function, arterial elasticity, augmentation index and pulse wave velocity are necessary to define hypertension risk and treatment. Nutrient-gene interactions and epigenetics are predominant factors in promoting beneficial or detrimental effects in cardiovascular health and hypertension. Macronutrients and micronutrients can prevent, control and treat hypertension through numerous mechanisms related to vascular biology.
Oxidative stress, inflammation and autoimmune dysfunction initiate and propagate hypertension and cardiovascular disease. There is a role for the selected use of single and component nutraceutical supplements, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals in the treatment of hypertension based on scientifically controlled studies which complement optimal nutrition, coupled with other lifestyle modifications.
Friday, February 21, 2014
2:00-3:00 & 4:00-5:00 (repeat session)
Improving Functional Assessments in Patient Care: Advanced Physical Exam Techniques for Vital Signs
Understanding the role of nutrition, nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, weight management, body composition analysis, resistance and aerobic exercise, stress reduction, proper sleep hygiene, and drugs in the integrative/functional management of hypertension and CVD is imperative. Proper physical exam technique and a correct review of findings is the first step towards providing effective care. This workshop will model the proper techniques for taking blood pressure and assessing the peripheral pulses, join to improve your skills and approach.
1) Perform advanced blood pressure assessment through proper use of sphygnomometer, proper technique, and patient positioning
2) Identify where to assess peripheral pulses, demonstrate proper technique and assessment, and understand common abnormal findings linked to vascular tissue
3) List common nutrition related issues found in hypertension and vascular dysfunction
• 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium
February 20 - 22, 2014
• Book signing at the 2014 Integrative Healthcare Symposium:
Thursday, February 20, 2014, 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Friday, February 21, 2014, 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM (A.C. Grace Company, booth# 1113)