Scientific Update on the Omnipresent Vitamin, K2-7

February 13, 2019

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Vitamin K2, the most recently recognized vitamin in the western world is now achieving the recognition as an omnipotent nutrient that exerts control and function in virtually every tissue type in our body. Dozens of large scale studies have clearly illustrated its role in bone health, heart health via calcification, cancer and diabetes. It acts as an “activator” or carboxylating agent to activate key vitamin K dependent proteins.  Recent studies have demonstrated that the importance of vitamin K2 goes far deeper than its role as carboxylator. We will discuss the new discoveries on the function of vitamin K2, going beyond its well-known roles and deeper into the cell where it effects the cellular engine itself. These new discoveries will further illustrate the danger we face in the western world, being a population that is sub-clinically deficient in vitamin K2. 


Kiran Krishnan
Chief Science Officer & Microbiologist, Microbiome Labs

Kiran Krishnan is a Research Microbiologist and has been involved in the dietary supplement and nutrition market for the past 18 years. He comes from a strict research background having spent several years with hands-on R&D in the fields of molecular medicine and microbiology at the University of Iowa. Kiran established a Clinical Research Organization where he designed and conducted dozens of human clinical trials in human nutrition. Kiran is also a co-founder and partner in Nu Science Trading, LLC.; a nutritional technology development and research company. Kiran is also a co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer at Microbiome Labs. In his career, he has developed over 50 private label nutritional products for small to large brands in the global market. He is a frequent lecturer on the Human Microbiome at Medical and Nutrition Conferences. He conducts a very popular Microbiome Series educational Webinar, is an expert guest on National and Satellite radio, has appeared in several international documentaries and has been a guest speaker on several International Health Summits as a microbiome expert. He is currently involved in 10 novel human clinical trials on probiotics and the human microbiome. Kiran is also on the Scientific Advisory Board or a Science Advisor for 7 other companies in the industry. 

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