Food Elimination Diets: Hot and Trendy, But Are They Healthy?
November 15, 2022 9:00 – 10:00am ET ADD TO CALENDAR
The human body cannot function optimally without adequate levels of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fats), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and water. Although it is remarkably adept at recovering from nutrient deficits the consequences will eventually manifest themselves later in life or through epigenetic effects that may be observed in future generations. Despite what we have learned about the epigenetic effects of famines we still choose to intentionally follow elimination diets that tinker with our metabolism. The purpose of such strategies is to trick the body into thinking that it is starving so that it changes the way that it burns and stores fat.
In this presentation we will tease apart the pros and cons of the most widely adopted elimination diets; namely ketogenic diets, FODMAP diets, gluten-free diets, low-fat diets, vegan and vegetarian diets. Each strategy has its own mechanism of action that may be exploited to reverse the sequala of metabolic diseases, immuno-biological diseases, and cancer, to name a few. The conundrum is that for most adoptees, adherence to and success of such plans are short lived. Of the many possible reasons, are the effect on basal metabolic rate (BMR) and specific effects on the microbiome. Just about all of these diets have the potential to reduce muscle mass which is the key driver of BMR. Although vegan and vegetarian diets are theoretically rich in prebiotic nutrients, they may lead to other deficiencies that may undermine health and wellness. Instead of focusing on all of the potential benefits of elimination diets let’s take a look beneath the proverbial cover and see what’s really going on.
Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the fundamentals of absorption and distribution of macro and micronutrients.
- Understand the importance of Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
- Identify the consequences of elimination diets on the epigenome.

Speaker: Laura Rokosz, PhD, RDN
Laura Rokosz is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) with 28 years of experience in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industries. She received her BS, MS, and PhD in Food Science from Rutgers University and completed her RDN internship in the Rutgers Individual Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP) Dietetics program. Rokosz was employed with Schering-Plough, Merck and Pharmacopeia where she supported R & D efforts in drug development. She is the author of over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles including five expert opinion articles on obesity and cancer. A number of her blogs on fitness and nutrition have been published on various syndicated websites and in online periodicals. Rokosz is currently the owner of EGGLROCK Nutrition, an integrative healthcare practice providing dietary and lifestyle guidance for disease prevention and health maintenance. EGGLRock Nutrition is a well-recognized community practice serving the health needs of both adults and children. Rokosz serves as an adjunct faculty member at Rutgers University and Stevens Institute of Technology and teaches group fitness classes at the Gateway Family YMCA of Union County, NJ. Be sure to tune into her podcast, “Eat Right with Laura” which can be found on her website at