February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025
Presented by: Kenneth Pelletier,
Biology is no longer destiny. Our DNA doesn’t determine our health and disease prospects, as geneticists once believed. According to the new science of epigenetics, the vast majority of our genes are fluid and dynamic—and their expression is shaped by what we think and what we do. Our genetic profile may signal an inherited vulnerability to a disease, but our choices and behaviors determine whether these genes will be switched on or off. This session presented by a renowned pioneer in integrative medicine reveals that each of us can change our genes to create optimal health and longevity.
Presented by: David Fogel, MD; Mark Hyman, MD; Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND; and John Weeks
Clinical leaders in integrative, functional, and naturopathic medicine report conceptual aligned with the medical industry’s move from “volume to value.” Enhancing patient experience, saving costs, raising practitioner satisfaction and bettering health—touchstones each of value-based medicine—are friendlier measures than outproducing surgeons. Might functional, integrative and naturopathic pilots in such a “value-based care” environment draw the media, clout, policy-interest, and investment to prove these as optimal models of care?
Presented by: Robert Rountree, MD
The clinicians' task is not to simply extend life, but to decrease or prevent disability or prolonged morbidity. That task has been made easier by recent advances in genomics research and cellular biology. By understanding the underlying molecular events and disrupted signaling pathways thought to be responsible for senescence, disease, and aging, we can determine the most effective strategies to maintain optimal performance and zestful health. This presentation will explore the various factors that can activate or downregulate the primary intracellular biochemical pathways associated with aging and longevity, including AMPK/sirtuins, mTOR, and Nrf2/ARE. We will then review the literature regarding lifestyle practices and dietary supplements that can potentially modulate those pathways in beneficial ways.
Patients need support when it comes to adopting and sustaining healthy behaviors. Over half of the adults in the United States have at least one chronic disease and 25 percent have two or more. Yet, providers seldom learn how to counsel patients on healthy living and, even if they do, they have limited time to guide patients to make lasting change.
Presented by: Gerald Lemole, MD
“The Role of Lymphstasis in Atherogenesis” appeared in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery in the March 1981 issue. It examined the significance of lymphatic involvement in arteriosclerosis. Presently, the underlying premise of the original paper is reviewed with its relationship to recent information regarding reverse cholesterol transport.
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth - Key Elements Regarding Testing and Intervention
Presented by: Betsy Redmond, PhD, MMSc, RDN
Integrative and Functional Medicine has laid significant groundwork for providing a format to apply metabolomics in practice, though it has been slow to incorporate newer findings. As the clinical application of metabolomics gains support, clinicians must ensure they understand the level of evidence of individual markers, of key pathways, nutrient-cofactors, enzymes, genes, and key patterns of disease. This talk will review newer findings in metabolomics research such as patterns of metabolic disease and impacts of physiologic functions. A metabolomic signature is the combination of metabolites that describe an individual’s core metabolomic state combined with the impacts of lifestyle, medications, physiology, and other key factors.
Integrative Practitioner is pleased to offer the Complete Conference Package, featuring all session recordings from the at the 2022 Integrative Healthcare Symposium in New York City. Watch and listen on your own schedule as the most sought-after practitioners, researchers, and educators of integrative healthcare offer their latest research and findings. Stay on the cutting edge of integrative healthcare and discover the latest practical applications to immediately enhance your practice.
The current state of medical therapy for cognitive decline and dementia is focused on single drug therapy. This approach has yielded unsatisfactory outcomes. A Functional Medicine approach utilizes a model of evaluation and therapeutics that is an assessment of the bioterrain of the unique individual in relation their individual genetics interaction with their environmental exposome to assess and provide a personalized, precision approach to brain health based on each individual’s genetics, the unique epigenetic triggers, the exacerbating hormone and nutritional imbalances as well as the deficiencies in optimal assimilation and biotransformation. Potential hormone imbalances, nutrient deficiencies combined with unique toxic insults may potentiate these processes leading to poor cognitive outcomes.
Presented by: Lorraine Gahles-Kildow, PhD and Nancy Gahles DC, CCH, MBSR
Stress in the healthcare profession has reached epidemic proportions. Physician burnout is on the rise. Almost half of doctors experience at least one symptom of burnout and one third of intensive care unit nurses suffer from severe Burnout Syndrome (BOS) associated with stress. Caregivers, professional and those in family situations caring for parents, partners, and special needs children, often suffer undiagnosed BOS from stress.