Four R's for Flourishing in Healthcare and in Life: Reflection, Relationships, Resourcefulness, Resilience | Product


Presented by: Hedy Wald, PhD

Healthcare professionals, faculty, and trainees are at risk for stress and burnout, which can impact wellbeing, optimal patient care, and effective leadership. More recently, pandemic-associated stressors have posed significant emotional, physical, and ethical challenges. What then are best practices for a protective, pre-emptive approach to promoting wellbeing and even flourishing? This presentation will discuss “4 R’s” – Reflection, Relationships, Resourcefulness, Resilience – that can inspire, enrich, and fortify practitioners as we craft a story for wellbeing and flourishing for ourselves and our organizations. An integrative, shared commitment approach of individual and institutional factors for a sustainable “culture of resilience and wellbeing” is key and will be discussed.