Live from the 2022 Integrative Healthcare Symposium

Mast cell activation syndrome interplay between immunity, neuroinflammation

It’s hard not to be obsessed with mast cells, said Tania Dempsey, MD, ABIHM, at the 2022 Integrative Healthcare Symposium in New York City.

“They’re so important while treating our patients with multi-system symptoms.”

Mast cells are widespread in the human body and have a diverse array of functions according to Dempsey, founder of Armonk Integrative Medicine Center for Personalize Medicine in Purchase, NY. They're heterogeneous, meaning they function differently depending on their location in the body. Mast cells are found in most tissue and organs, concentrating more densely in areas in close contact with the environment such as the skin, airways and the gastrointestinal (GI) tract to help with early recognition of pathogens.

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